Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pangborn Family Home, Decatur, Georgia

Location: 1497 Kahanna Court, Decatur, Georgia
Date of photos: January and February, 2014
Last owner located: Peggy Ann Pangborn Roos 
Current owner: Spartan Investors, LLC. 

UPDATE: Demolished, May, 2014

This beautiful house and surrounding land is one of the last original intact estates in the area. It has been purchased for development and will be destroyed, along with all nine acres of woodlands surrounding it. The home was built in 1930 by the Pangborn family. The last remaining family member, Peggy Ann Pangborn, moved to Virginia as a young woman, and there purchased and restored a historic home. She left it protected in her will, and when she died last year, she left no similar protection for this property. I have no idea why she allowed it to be destroyed, as the cousins she willed it to immediately sold it to a developer.